• Those Who Run

    A story of humanity well earning its epithet.



  • Immersed

    Benny, an avid gamer, has been given an amazing new videogame. But he soon discovers that it has much higher stakes than he anticipated.



  • Man Learns

    A folk tale on the origin of man and his special place amongst the animals.

    Author’s Choice, HFY

  • Harbuckle

    A besieged city’s unusual resident fights off invaders in the sewers deep beneath its streets.


  • Tatters

    An old warrior with no one to serve struggles to find his place.


  • Corporate Drones

    A freelance hacker puts pressure on his employers and gets unexpected results.

    Cyberpunk, Scifi

  • Wetware

    A hacker in cyberspace must use all her resources to save her teammate in real life.

    Cyberpunk, Scifi

  • Paragon

    A superhero confronts his nemesis- and his own failings.

    Dark, Prompt


  • Behemoth

    A hulking super soldier wanders through a ravaged battlefield and reflects on his life.

    Author’s Choice, Scifi

  • The Rouse of Abernathy

    A proud alien race lectures on the unlikely achievements of one of their liasons.

    Scifi, Humor, Contest, HFY

  • A Lesson Learned

    A warmongering alien empire is taught an important lesson on respecting your enemy.

    Scifi, HFY

  • Scuttlebutt

    A captain and crewman discuss a strange coincidence in their respective planets’ fauna.

    Scifi, Humor

  • Forty Lashes

    A ship shanty for the hybrid pirates of System 3 (now a real song for Beyond Good & Evil 2!)

    Song, HitRecord

  • A Quiet Night Out

    A Frank Folds story for the Paper Hero project on HitRecord.

    Frank is called in to help investigate a double homicide. What seems like a simple mob hit soon turns more peculiar.

    Comic Script, HitRecord, Paper Hero

  • Dream Hotline

    A nightmare-ridden client finds an unusual service for his needs.

    Script, Humor


  • We Respond in Kind

    A poem greeting the guests of humanity, letting them know what they can expect.

    Poem, Scifi, HFY

  • Lablonnamedadon

    A human ambassador to the galactic congress finds his welcome not what he expected.

    Scifi, HFY

  • Super Sponsor

    A former super helps another through a crisis far more mundane than their normal fare.


  • Till Morning's Crow, Pt.1

    Frank Folds is a detective with a peculiar set of skills. Now he’s on a case to find a missing boxer with a beaky complexion.

    For the Paper Hero project on HitRecord.

    Comic Script, HitRecord, Paper Hero

  • Till Morning's Crow, Pt.2

    Frank Folds is hot on the trail in more ways than one. But can he find his avian compatriot without getting snared himself?

    Comic Script, HitRecord, Paper Hero

  • Till Morning's Crow, Pt.3

    Frank Folds has found his mark, and a heap of trouble besides. Now he has to escape.

    Comic Script, HitRecord, Paper Hero

  • On the Methods of Rationality and Dakka

    An Ork Warboss lectures on higher Dakka theory to his impetuous warband.

    FanFic, 40k, Humor


  • The Hero's Feast

    Alien diplomates gather for a peculiar welcoming ceremony and get more than they bargained for.

    Prompt, Scifi, HFY

  • Loyalty's Reward

    Warhammer 40k: a traitor guardsman struggles to prove himself worthy of his sergeant and his gods.

    Fanfic, Scifi

  • Lost and Found, Part 1

    A little girl is lost in the forest, and her best chance at survival is in the hands of humans and their oldest ally.

    Prompt, Contest Winner, Scifi, HFY, Serial

  • Lost and Found, Part 2

    Continuation from part one. The girl has been discovered, but now both her and her rescuer are in danger.

    Prompt, Contest Winner, Scifi, HFY, Serial


  • The Big Red Thread

    A tale of finding love and losing it, and moving heaven and earth to get it back.

    Contest, Scifi, HFY, Prompt

  • My Boy

    A father discusses his difficult relationship with his son.

    Contest, Scifi, HFY, Prompt

  • Anglinor's Exciting Day

    A cruel and despotic lich grapples with his most terrifying nemesis: boredom.

    Humor, HFY, Prompt

  • Mister Bones

    The newest addition to a salty space crew has trouble fitting in.

    Scifi, Humor, HFY, Prompt


  • Tattoo

    An alien medic makes a disconcerting discovery about her newest patient.

    Scifi, Humor, HFY

  • Served

    A chance encounter between a human and a notoriously inscrutable species leads to an intergalactic incident.

    Scifi, Humor, HFY, Prompt

  • Close Encounters, a Drinking Song

    Aliens sing a bawdy ballad on the particular qualities of human women.

    Song, Scifi, Humor, HFY

  • Famous

    I discover my particular qualities.

    Humor, Prompt

  • Skinny's Log

    A young alien enrolls in a new work program.

    Scifi, Humor, HFY, Prompt