Part 3

Full page splash of FRANK FOLDS kneeling on concrete, his arms tied behind his back. A beam of light shines from above, making FRANK FOLDS the only light in the center of a ring of darkness. He is covered in scorch marks and burns.

Monologue: Eeeeuuuurrgh.

Let’s do a rundown.

Sense: returning slowly.

Body: badly burned.

Hands: tied.

Sword: missing.

Hat: gone.

I’ve woken up worse.

HG: “He’s coming around.”

Shot behind FRANK FOLD’S head looking up at two shadowy figures, blacked out by the bright light between them. One is stocky and male, the other whip-thin and female.

WQ: “Finally. I have guests to attend to, you know. This whole disturbance has thrown off the whole evening.”

Closeup on FRANK FOLDS’ bowed head.

FF: “Well, far be it from me to keep you tied up here. Must be just torture.”

WASP QUEEN moves in front of the light. She is older, her face heavily lined. She is wearing a party dress and a fur stole, and is smoking.

WQ: “It speaks!

And so very sarcastic, to boot. Patrick, if you would?”

HG: “My pleasure, ma’am.”

Wide shot of HEAD GUARD splashing a bucket of water on FRANK FOLDS.

WASP QUEEN leans in and grabs FRANK FOLDS by the chin. His face is beginning to droop from the water.

WQ: “Now, we don’t need to bother with asking what you know. When a private eye comes snooping around, it’s best to assume he’s a good one.

No, what concerns me is…

who else knows you’re here?”

FF: “You know, I ask myself the same thing sometimes. Usually around 3AM when the bad thoughts start to hit.”

WQ: unamused “Cute.

Hit him again.”

Frank is splashed with another bucket. He looks soggy and soft, but his face is still set.

FF: “I’ve been in real rough spots before, darling, this bucketline bullshit won’t soften me up. Figuratively speaking.”

WQ: “What, this? Oh, this is just to make sure you don’t dry out. You’re far too flammable, darling.

Why don’t we prod his memory?”

FRANK FOLDS is hit from behind by a shock goad. He arches.

FF: “Hhhhrrrrrgggh!”

WQ: “Patrick? Take over.”

HEAD GUARD steps forward. He is holding FRANK FOLDS’ sword.

HG: “This is real nice. Authentic?”

FF: coughs “bought it at the flea market. He wanted twenty, but I talked him down to six.”

HG: smiling “Oh, then you won’t mind if I keep it.”

HEAD GUARD grabs FRANK FOLDS’ head by the hair with a SQUELCH.

HG: “Who else knows you’re here, Folds?”

FF: “Let’s see, uh… Rooke and Pallson, Chief Shefford, three major newspapers and the Boulder Brothers.”

HG: “The Boulder Brothers.”

FF: “Yep.”

HG: “You told the Boulder Brothers you’d be coming here.”

FF: “That’s right.”

HG: “...why would you even try to make me believe that?”

FF: “Eh. Figured if you try to hush them up, solves at least one of my problems.”

HG: “So what you’re saying, is that no one knows you’re here.”

FF: “No one you’d find.”

Monologue: It’s true.

Real hard to track down nobody.

HEAD GUARD stands and turns to WASP QUEEN.

HG: “I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Anybody steps forward, we can buy them off or shut them up.”

WQ: “You’d better hope so. If my establishment comes under scrutiny, so does your company.

What do we do with him?”

Monologue: Ah, there it is. The important question.

People start wondering how to get rid of you, means they’ve already written you off. Means they’ve stopped paying attention.

FRANK FOLDS transforms his hands to pull free of his handcuffs.

Time for the unexpected.

FRANK FOLDS leaps at the HEAD GUARD, only to be immediately shocked and knocked away by the other guards.

Guess they were ready for that one.

HG: “Ooh, he’s got some pep, doesn’t he?

Put him in the new cell.”

WQ: “Are you sure, Patrick? He seems to be positively gifted at absconsion.”

HG: “Nothing we can’t handle, ma’am. Besides, I’d like to see how this one does in the ring.”

Shot of FRANK FOLDS being dragged limply by the arms along the corridor full of cells.

Monologue: Times like this, it does a man comfort to think back to all the worse corners he’s run into over the years.

Nothing seems to come to mind.

FRANK FOLDS is tossed into the last cell. It is dark and shadowy. He rises as the solid door slams shut. He feels around the edges of the door.

Airtight. Damn.

A voice comes from the shadows of the bunkbed.

C: “You’re that investigator.

The one who busted Tots and Laurel.”


FF: “Yeah? Who’s asking?”

COCK’s feathery head emerges from the shadows.

C: “Someone who really didn’t like Tots and Laurel.

I don’t care for pimps at the best of times, but those two liked’em young. You put a stop to it.”

Shot of COCK sitting on the bunk and FRANK FOLDS standing near the door, talking.

FF: “Yeah, well, it was a job.”

C: “Still. Bet it wasn’t your job to drop’em off to the cops tied up, naked and bright pink, was it?”

FF: “...there was some paint lying around.”

C: “I just bet there was.

Frank, right? Frank Folds. The paper dick.”

FF: “You’re one to talk, Cock.”

C: surprised “You know me?”

FF: conjures a new hat and dons it as he slides down to sit against the door “Medium Jim hired me to find you.”

C: quietly, aside “Good on you, Jim.”

FF: “As you can see, I’ve fulfilled the terms of my employment.

Busting out of here is gonna have to be on my own time.”

C: “Good luck with that. The only time we’re let out is for fights. Once they brought me out to clean the cell. Either way, there’s a half-dozen stooges to make sure we don’t go anywhere.”

FF: “I’ll find a way. I’m good like that.”

The door slams open suddenly, and guards pour in. COCK is shoved against the wall, while FRANK FOLDS is caught by a catch pole by the neck and surrounded by guards with shock goads. The HEAD GUARD saunters in.

HG: “Time to see if there’s a man under all that paper, Folds. You’re up.”

FRANK FOLDS is thrown into the chain-link electrified cage. He looks up. The club’s guests are looking down at him, laughing. A waiter walks along the balcony, taking their bids on a big silver platter stacked with cash.

GJ: “Frank Folds?!”

FRANK FOLDS looks at the figure standing at the other edge of the ring. It’s a fat, bloated man in a wifebeater. His skin is pocked with large holes, and his mouth is far too big, stretching all the way to his ears.

Monologue: Gorge Jameson. Used to be Gorgeous before he went Peculiar.

He was the best fence for fourteen blocks, till I found out he was eating customers whole and ran him out of town.

GJ: “Frank goddamn Folds.

Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this.”

Monologue: At least I won’t feel bad about killing him.

Above, WASP QUEEN is holding a microphone hanging from the ceiling.

WQ: “My esteemed guests, I do hope that you’ve been enjoying yourselves.

We at the Ethel Ford Country Club pride ourselves on courtesy, luxury, and taste. Our pools are sparkling, our courses divine, and our staff just oh- so- clean.”

WASP QUEEN leans in, drawing the mike down. Her face becomes sinister, though still smiling.

WQ: “But now, it’s time that your patronage be duly rewarded. Time for the real reason you stop by.”

gesturing “In the right corner we have a fan favorite. Our lovely Gorge has lasted two months under our hospitality: killing-

and eating-

seventeen other contestants. Let’s give him a hand!”

gesturing again “In the left corner, we have some new blood. You may recognize him as the freak detective that’s given our boys in blue such trouble, Frank Folds! We caught him creeping around our club just tonight, now, let’s see what he’s made of!

One way or another.”

Monologue: Sure does love the sound of her own voice. I doubt that-

GORGE’s massive hand grabs FRANK FOLDS around the throat.

Ah. Guess there’s no starting bell then.

GORGE heaves FRANK FOLDS into the air and opens his mouth impossibly wide.

As far as a way to go, eaten alive by a slimy fuckball is right up there with ‘paper shredder’.

FRANK FOLDS transforms into a paper airplane, zipping out of GORGE’s bewildered grip.

But I’m not out of tricks just yet.

FRANK FOLDS lands at the far side of the cell. He looks back to see GORGE charging at him, enraged.

Sorry Gorge, but only one of us gets out of here alive, and at least I wasn’t born thicker than a yard of lard.

FRANK FOLDS sidesteps, and GORGE runs right into the electric fence. He howls. FRANK FOLDS comes up behind him and holds him against the fence. His paper hands begin to char and burn from the current.

The man ate people alive. It doesn’t feel bad.

But it doesn’t feel good, either.

FRANK FOLDS is in his cell. He looks up as the door opens and COCK is thrown in. COCK rises to his feet and begins nonchalantly unwinding his fist wrappings. He has many scratches on him.

C: “You find a way out of here yet?”

FF: “Not exactly.

I looked at the ventilation, but it’s full of fans. Only way I get through there is as confetti.”

C: “You could always flush yourself.”

FF: “Oh, sure. Out of the frying pan, into the septic tank.

How’d your fight go?”

C: “Can’t complain. Guy could grow spikes. Hard to hit, but a real glass jaw.


FF: “Ran into an old fence.

Ran him into a new fence.”

C: “...did you just come up with that, or were you working on it the whole time I was gone?”

FF: “Little of both.”

They sit on opposite corners of the cell.

FF: “Can I ask you something?”

C: “What?”

FF: “The reader, the one I used to track you down. She said you weren’t afraid. ‘In more danger than you’ve ever been’, she said, but you weren’t afraid.”

C: “...yeah?”

FF: “Why?

We’re taking the slow lane to death row and you’re sitting there cool as Christmas. Now me, I don’t like to let’em know I’m hurting. But you? No fear.

What kind of moxie are you drinking, Cock?”

C: “Why are you asking?”

FF: “Figure maybe I could use some myself right about now.”

C: “Had my first fight when I was six years old. A kid twice my size called me Foghorn Leghorn and I broke his nose. Been fighting ever since.

The playground, the boxing rings, here?

It’s all the same.”

FF: “They don’t kill you in the ring if you lose. Or the playground.”

C: “Don’t matter. Fighting’s what I’m good at. What I’m made for.

All I’m good for.”

FF: “…


Guess it is.”

FRANK FOLDS gets up and starts spreading his hand flatly against the door.

FF: “I’ve got an idea, Cock. I’d need your help for it. Could get us out of here.

Could get us killed.”

C: unperturbed “You mean, more killed than staying here will?”

FF: “So you’re with me?”

C: “Shouldn’t even have to ask.”

Shot of the ETHEL FORD COUNTRY CLUB, as the sun sets.

Monologue: Can’t keep track of time in here.

Shot of FRANK FOLDS and COCK in their cell, eating off of prison trays. Both are more banged up than before.

C: “Trade you carrots for garlic bread?”

FF: “Boy, you must be joking.”

C: “No, your carrots for my bread.”

FF: “Really?”

C: “...I like carrots.”

The door bursts open. FRANK FOLDS and COCK, now used to the routine, are pressed against the wall. A catch pole loops around FRANK FOLDS’ neck.

FF: “Got someone good for me today?”

HG: smirking “Oh, I think so.”

FRANK FOLDS turns to see COCK, likewise snared.

Monologue: Ah, shit.

Wide shot of FRANK FOLDS and COCK standing at the far corners of the cage, facing each other.

Closeups of their faces. They are grim.

FF: “Anybody ever make it out of the cage together, Cock?”

C: “Only in body bags.

I’m sorry, Frank.”

FF: “Yeah, me too.”

They charge at each other. FRANK FOLDS dodges COCK’s first punch, and punches COCK in the ribs. He begins to transform, but COCK grabs him.

Monologue: Damn, he’s fast.

COCK punches FRANK FOLDS in the face.

I catch a mouthful of Cock.

It’s not as funny as it sounds.

Montage of FRANK FOLDS and COCK fighting. Both seem to be giving as hard as they get.

Kid hits like Bruce Lee. Sounds like him, too.

I don’t have the grit for a fight like this. I’ve got a few moves, but I’m strictly a lightweight fighter. Cock’s bigger, faster, and tougher. He’ll wear me down to shreds.

COCK has FRANK FOLDS in a headlock. FRANK FOLDS headbutts COCK, catching him in the eye.

But if I can just get a second…

FRANK FOLDS breaks free and turns into a paper plane, flying towards the top of the cage.

I’ve got one… last… trick.

FRANK FOLDS transforms back and grabs the cage roof with one hand. Pushing through the pain of electrocution, he turns his other arm into a long, thin lance, stabbing through the gaps in the links. It shoots up and grabs one of the waiters, who drops the silver platter of bills off the side.

The platter falls and crashes onto the cage roof. It spills all of the cash out into the cage.

FRANK FOLDS falls with the money. COCK is waiting for him below, but FRANK FOLDS can be seen transforming through the rain of bills, and when the money lands, FRANK FOLDS is gone.

Shot of HEAD GUARD and WASP QUEEN, looking shocked.

HG: “Oh, shit.”

More than a dozen guards come into the cage. Six of them grab COCK, the others spread out.

HG: from above “Nobody touch the money! Folds is in here, somewhere. You,” points to guards holding COCK, “get him out of here. The rest of you, make sure nothing leaves the cage. We’re gonna find him.”

The guards drag COCK out of the cage.

As COCK approaches his cell, zoom in on one of his wrist wraps, which has sprouted eyes.

FRANK FOLDS unravels himself from COCK’s wrist, flying over the guards, and takes off running down the hall.

Guard: “Get after him!”

Four guards chase after FRANK FOLDS, leaving only two with COCK. They look at each other, then at COCK. He smiles.

FRANK FOLDS is running down a maze of hallways, with guards lagging behind.

Shot of HEAD GUARD with Frank’s sword drawn, hurrying alone down a hallway, trying to coordinate forces using his earpiece.

HG: “I don’t care if you’re escorting the guests, they can get out their own damn selves! Our main goal is to recapture Folds! He could be-

HEAD GUARD looks up to see FRANK FOLDS sprinting towards him.

HG: “anywhere...”

As FRANK FOLDS tries to jump past HEAD GUARD, HEAD GUARD swings the sword at FRANK FOLDS. FRANK FOLDS splits cleanly around the blade, healing together as quickly as it passes through him.

FRANK FOLDS punches HEAD GUARD in the stomach, boxes his ears, then grabs the sword and sheath. Then kicks him while he’s down.

FF: “That-

is my-



FRANK FOLDS takes off running again.

Shot of WASP QUEEN amid panicking guests, trying to reach the guards on the radio. She is flustered.

WQ: “What’s happening down there?! Have you caught him yet?”

Shot of a handful of guards, preparing to breach a door

Guard: “We’ve got him surrounded, ma’am! There’s nowhere he can go!”

He bursts through the door into a room. The room has many doors, each one being simultaneously breached by a group of guards. FRANK FOLDS is standing in the middle of the room in a dramatic pose, with sword drawn. All the guards level their guns at him.

FF: “Now boys, I’m sure you’re plenty pissed, and rightfully so. Lord knows I’d be, in your position.

But I’m asking you, as a favor, not to lose your heads and go killing anybody over this. The hospital’s gonna be a lot less complicated than the morgue.”

G: “And what makes you think we want to do you any favors, freak?”

FF: “First off, it’s Folds. Frank Folds.”

Wide shot showing the guard’s heads and the corridors behind, where the escaped Peculiars can be dimly seen.

FF: “And second off, I wasn’t talking to you.”

Long montage of humans fleeing the building; first the guests, then the guards, finally being chased out by angry peculiars. The humans scramble into their cars and peel out, or just run for the hills.

Shot of COCK and FRANK FOLDS’ backs as they look at the guests escaping.

FF: “Any trouble on your end?”

C: “Not a lick. Took my two down easy, and once I got the cells open everybody was just itching to take it out on someone human.”

Side shot of FRANK FOLDS and COCK.

FF: “We hurt them deep today. There’s gonna be a lot of powerful people gunning for us after what we just pulled.

Well, more than usual.”

C: “I can handle it.”

FF: “I bet you can.”

A whisp of smoke winds past FRANK FOLDS’ face.

Monologue: I catch a whiff of smoke and breathe in deep.

Takes me back to before all of this. Before it all got complicated.

It’s not cigarettes.

Wide shot facing COCK and FRANK FOLDS, both walking on the road. Behind them, the ETHEL FORD COUNTRY CLUB is a blazing inferno.

But it’s close enough.

End Part 3